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Friday, November 30, 2007 

Trade Ideas for Friday - RMBS and FSLR BREAKOUT !!!

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

RMBS broke the bull flag consolidation pattern. It's time to be Bullish again on stock. The bull flag consolidation pattern that we are just coming out of is one of the most bullish patterns around. MACD and RSI returned to the Bullish area. If shares can break the $19.56 mark then bulls should be able to target a move to $21.59.

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

FSLR Breakout again !!!! Really Cool !!!!!! First Solar shares closed the day gaining more than 10% to a new historic mark for stock at $238.18, near the highs of the day at $239.39. FSLR has been on one of the most amazing runs of this most recent bull market. Looking at the daily chart the investor sentiment in FSLR stock showed by RSI continues strong and MACD still going up. Stock still trading in a strong Bull Market with share price above 20 dma, 50 dma and 200 daily moving average. Following this technical chart it's predictable that tomorrow FSLR will reach new highs again.

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

YHOO were up today more than 1.5% to $26.63. The technical daily chart above of YHOO, shows very bullish signal as 50 day moving average has just crossed on top over 200 day moving average forming the Golden Cross. With the bullish sign formed and MACD also back above 0 we should see the stock take off from now on, so be patience on YHOO because we can see soon a nice rally.

Disclaimer : Trading stocks involves risk, this information should not be viewed as trading recommendations.The charts provided here are not meant for investment purposes and only serve as technical example.

That's All. Have a great evening !!!


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  • I'm a 48 year old Independent Trader using proprietary technical analysis with more than 20 years experience of investing in the US stock markets. I started this blog in 2006 simply as a way to share my thoughts about capital, risk management, and trading. My blog contains only my personal opinion and is provided for informational purposes only.

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