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Thursday, November 22, 2007 

May be the bottom here !!!

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

The bottom has been finally found, in my honest opinion. Now, I suppose that we'll initiate a new uptrend to test the 200 dma as the first resistance for this new Bullish race. The volume of yesterday and today session surpassed the daily average, showing that the turning point is near and in my opinion here. I hope !! so, keep your eyes open !!!

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

AAPL has found an important support on its 50 dma. The stock has the opportunity to start new rally as K line is again back above D line, also RSI is now in a neutral zone. Keep an eye on AAPL.

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

Rambus sustain selling pressure in the final hour and close above the major support of $18. Only a close below this mark with volume, will change the trend.

Disclaimer : Trading stocks involves risk, this information should not be viewed as trading recommendations. The charts provided here are not meant for investment purposes and only serve as technical examples.

That's All. Have a nice evening !!!


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  • I'm a 48 year old Independent Trader using proprietary technical analysis with more than 20 years experience of investing in the US stock markets. I started this blog in 2006 simply as a way to share my thoughts about capital, risk management, and trading. My blog contains only my personal opinion and is provided for informational purposes only.

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