Stock picks for Thursday June 10

A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. - APWR
AEP Industries - AEPI
ArcSight, Inc. - ARST
Charles River Associates - CRAI
Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp - CIDM
Del Monte Foods - DLM
Duckwall-ALCO Stores - DUCK
Herley Industries - HRLY
IDT Corporation - IDT
lululemon athletica inc. - LULU
Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. - MCZ
National Semiconductor - NSM
Navisite - NAVI
New Frontier Media, Inc. - NOOF
North American Energy Partners Inc. - NOA
School Specialty - SCHS
Synthetech - NZYM
Todd Shipyards - TOD
Xinhua Sports & Entertainment Limited - XSEL
Descending Triple Bottom Alerts
ACAS American Capital Ltd.
ACAT Arctic Cat, Inc.
ACHN Achillion Pharmaceuticals Inc.
ACLI American Commercial Lines Inc.
AIXG Aixtron Aktiengesellschaft
ALGN Align Technology, Inc.
ALNY Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ALTI Altair Intl, Inc.
ALVR Alvarion Ltd.
AMZN, Inc.
ANCI American CareSource Holdings, Inc.
AONE A123 Systems Inc
ARNA Arena Pharmaceuticals
ASTI Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc.
ASTM Aastrom Biosciences, Inc.
BDCO Blue Dolphin Energy Co.
BDSI BioDelivery Sciences Intl, Inc.
BIOF BioFuel Energy Corp.
BLUG Blugrass Energy Inc.
CABL China Cablecom Holdings, Ltd.
CAMP California Amplifier, Inc.
CBAK China BAK Battery, Inc.
CECO Career Education Corp.
CELG Celgene Corp.
CETV Central European Media Enterprises Ltd.
CGEN Compugen Ltd.
CHIO China INSOnline Corp.
CHLN China Housing and Land Development, Inc.
CHNG China Natural Gas, Inc.
CIIC China Infrastructure Investment Corp.
CMCO Columbus McKinnon Corp.
COCO Corinthian Colleges, Inc.
CPIX Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc.
CPLA Capella Education Co.
CRNT Ceragon Networks Ltd.
CRXL Crucell N.V.
CSCX Cardiac Science Corp.
CSKI China Sky One Medical, Inc.
CTHP Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.
DGLP DigitalPost Interactive Inc.
DINE Rewards Network Inc.
DRWI DragonWave Inc.
ECOL US Ecology Inc.
ENG ENGlobal Corp.
EPAY Bottomline Technologies, Inc.
EPIQ EPIQ Systems, Inc.
ERFW ERF Wireless, Inc.
ERII Energy Recovery Inc.
ESEA Euroseas, Ltd.
EURX Eurand N.V.
EWBC East West Bancorp, Inc.
EXOU Exousia Advanced Materials Inc.
EXPE Expedia, Inc
FALC FalconStor Software, Inc.
FCEL FuelCell Energy, Inc.
FEED AgFeed Industries, Inc.
FFNW First Financial Northwest, Inc.
FLOW Flow Intl Corp.
FLTT Flint Telecom Group, Inc.
FOLD Amicus Therapeutics, Inc.
FORM FormFactor Inc.
FTNT Fortinet Inc.
GCHK Greenchek Technology, Inc.
GHDX Genomic Health, Inc.
GIFI Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc.
GLER Global Earth Energy, Inc.
GRRF China GrenTech Corp. Ltd.
GWSC GWS Technologies Inc.
HBHC Hancock Holding Co.
HEAT SmartHeat Inc.
HERO Hercules Offshore Inc.
HTLJ Heartland, Inc.
HYTM Hythiam Inc.
ICUI ICU Medical, Inc.
IDOI IDO Security, Inc.
IESC Integrated Electrical Services, Inc.
IFLI International Fight League, Inc.
IILG Interval Leisure Group, Inc.
ITMN InterMune Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
IVAC Intevac, Inc.
JRJC China Finance Online Co.
JUNP Juniper Group, Inc.
JYHW Jayhawk Energy, Inc.
KONG KongZhong Corp.
KVHI KVH Industries, Inc.
LAMR Lamar Advertising Co.
LAWS Lawson Products, Inc.
LCRD LaserCard Corp.
LDSH Ladish Co., Inc.
LECO Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc.
LIFE Life Technologies Corp
LLEN L&L Energy Inc.
LOGI Logitech Intl S.A.
MAPP Map Pharmaceuticals Inc.
MASP MASS Petroleum Inc.
MDSO Medidata Solutions Inc.
MKSI MKS Instruments, Inc.
MNKD MannKind Corp.
MNLU Mainland Resources Inc.
MRIB Marani Brands, Inc.
MSHL Marshall Edwards Inc.
NCTY The9 Ltd.
NEON Neonode Inc
NETC NET Servicos de Comunicacao S.A.
NHWK NightHawk Radiology Holdings Inc.
NICE NICE-Systems Ltd.
NPWZ Neah Power Systems Inc.
NURO Neurometrix Inc.
NYNY Empire Resorts, Inc.
OCNF OceanFreight Inc.
ONAV Omega Navigation Ent.
OPMG Options Media Group Holdings, Inc.
OPTR Optimer Pharmaceuticals Inc.
OREX Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.
PCBC Pacific Capital Bancorp
PEGA Pegasystems, Inc.
PENX Penford Corp.
PNSN Penson Worldwide Inc.
PNXE Phoenix Energy Resource Corp.
PWRD Perfect World Co. Ltd.
QNST QuinStreet Inc.
QSII Quality Systems, Inc.
RAIL FreightCar America Inc.
REVU Princeton Review, Inc.
RMTI Rockwell Medical Technologies, Inc.
RNIN Wireless Ronin Technologies, Inc.
ROCK Gibraltar Steel Corp.
ROCM Rochester Medical Corp.
RRGB Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc.
RXII RXi Pharmaceuticals Corp.
SCHN Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc.
SCHS School Specialty, Inc.
SCRA SecureAlert, Inc.
SIVB SVB Financial Group
SMRT Stein Mart, Inc.
SMTS Somanetics Corp.
SNTA Synta Pharmaceuticals Inc.
SOMX Somaxon Pharmaceuticals
SPAR Spartan Motors, Inc.
SUNV Sunovia Energy Technologies, Inc.
SURW SureWest Communications
SUTR Sutor Technology Group Ltd.
SVA Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
TADF Tactical Air Defense Services, Inc.
DSC 3D Systems Corp.
TEMN Team Nation Holdings Corp.
TISI Team, Inc.
TIVO TiVo, Inc.
TNXI Telanetix, Inc.
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace Co. Inc.
TROW T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
TSON TranS1 Inc.
TTEC TeleTech Holdings, Inc.
TXIC Tongxin International Ltd.
UFPI Universal Forest Products, Inc.
UWBK Western Bancorp Inc.
VECO Veeco Instruments, Inc.
VIVO Meridian Bioscience Inc.
VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.
VSMR Verify Smart Corp.
VTAL Vital Images, Inc.
VTNC Vitran Corp., Inc.
WCRX Warner Chilcott Plc
WTKN WellTek Inc.
YASH Yasheng Eco-Trade Corp.
YTBLA YTB International, Inc.
ZOOM Zoom Technologies, Inc.
Bearish MACD Crossovers
AAPL Apple, Inc.
ALSK Alaska Communications Systems Group, Inc.
AVNA Advance Nanotech Inc.
BPWRF Balaton Power Inc.
CAVM Cavium Networks Inc.
CEMI Chembio Diagnostics Inc.
DUSA DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ECNG EnergyConnect Group, Inc.
ENTR Entropic Communications Inc.
GEOY GeoEye Inc.
IGTE iGate Capital Corp.
IMUC Immunocellular Therapeutics Ltd.
LMNX Luminex Corp.
MLNX Mellanox Technologies Ltd.
NEOG Neogen Corp.
NVLS Novellus Systems, Inc.
PVSP Pervasip Corp.
RBI Sport Supply Group Inc.
RLRN Renaissance Learning, Inc.
SAPE Sapient Corp.
SCRA SecureAlert, Inc.
SLTZ Solar Thin Films, Inc.
SMMX Symyx Technologies, Inc.
SQNM Sequenom, Inc.
SYMX Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc.
VTRO Vertro, Inc.
Improving Chaikin Money Flow
ADMP Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
ARYC Arrayit Corp.
BBND BigBand Networks Inc.
CNVO Convio, Inc.
DKAM Drinks Americas Holdings Ltd.
GDTI Guardian Technologies Intl, Inc.
GMET GeoMet Inc.
IDIX Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc.
IGOI iGo Inc.
KSWS K-Swiss, Inc.
MDSO Medidata Solutions Inc.
PONE Protection One, Inc.
QKLS QKL Stores, Inc.
SNVP Savoy Energy Corp.
TXCC TranSwitch Corp.
VLCO Valcom
VUOC Vu1 Corp.
XTEX Crosstex Energy GP, L.P.
Declining Chaikin Money Flow
ACMR A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts, Inc.
AGRT AGR Tools Inc.
ALIM Alimera Sciences, Inc.
ALTE Alterra Capital Holdings Ltd.
APPA AP Pharma, Inc.
ARGN Amerigon, Inc.
ARII American Railcar Industries Inc.
ARNA Arena Pharmaceuticals
BIOF BioFuel Energy Corp.
BKPG Bark Group, Inc.
BKTK Black Tusk Minerals Inc.
BLDR Builders FirstSource, Inc.
BLTA Baltia Airlines Inc.
BNTNF Bontan Corp. Inc.
BPFH Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.
BRKS Brooks - PRI Automation, Inc.
CABN Carbon Sciences, Inc.
CAMH Cambridge Heart, Inc.
CDZI Cadiz Inc.
CENX Century Aluminum Co.
CKSW ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd.
CMLS Cumulus Media, Inc.
COCO Corinthian Colleges, Inc.
COMV Comverge Inc.
CSNT Crescent Banking Co.
CYCA Cytta Corp.
YNO Cynosure, Inc.
CYPB Cypress Bioscience, Inc.
DCTH Delcath Systems, Inc.
DEPO DepoMed, Inc.
EFII Electronics for Imaging, Inc.
GAME Shanda Games Ltd.
GOOG Google, Inc.
HAYN Haynes International Inc.
HBHC Hancock Holding Co.
HPJ Hong Kong Highpower Technology, Inc.
HTHT China Lodging Group Ltd.
KVHI KVH Industries, Inc.
MCGI MedCareers Group, Inc.
MEMS Memsic Inc.
MHYS Mass Hysteria Entertainment Co.
MSEX Middlesex Water Co.
NEXS Nexxus Lighting, Inc.
NPHC Nutra Pharma Corp.
NVAX Novavax, Inc.
NWK Network Equipment Technology Inc.
OREX Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.
PHIE Providential Holdings, Inc.
PLXT PLX Technology, Inc.
PSEC Prospect Capital Corp.
PSEM Pericom Semiconductor Corp.
SABA Saba Software, Inc.
SHOR ShoreTel, Inc.
SOEN Solar Enertech Corp.
SUNH Sun Healthcare Group Inc.
SUPX Supertex, Inc.
SUTR Sutor Technology Group Ltd.
THLD Threshold Pharmaceuticals Inc.
TINY Harris & Harris Group, Inc.
TSTC Telestone Technologies Corp.
TTIL TTI Team Telecom Intl Ltd.
ULBI Ultralife Batteries, Inc.
VDSI VASCO Data Security Intl, Inc.
WBSN Websense, Inc.
WIBC Wilshire State Bank
WMAR West Marine, Inc.
Good luck to all,
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