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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 

Trade Ideas for Thursday - RIMM , CROX , FSLR

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

The stock on the spotlight today is First Solar. Shares were up more than 6%, closing near the historical highs. Technicaly chart shows the stock is still in a very strong bull market with MACD on top of signal line and 50 day moving average on top of 200 day moving average, so we should see the stock keep going strong for a while. Today, stock opened way to make new highs tomorrow.

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

RIMM - Since August that stock has found consistently support on its 20 dma, so any movement below this line should mean a possible invertion of the trend. Also a possible breakout over $128.36 is likely. Keep an eye on RIMM.

Chart courtesy of stockcharts

Shares of CROCS are under a big selling pressure in after-hours after the plastic shoe maker guided for full-year revenue below analyst estimates. Keep an eye in the trend line mentioned in the chart, if stock break down this trend, you should be careful on the long side.

Disclaimer : Trading stocks involves risk, this information should not be viewed as trading recommendations.The charts provided here are not meant for investment purposes and only serve as technical examples.

That's All. Have a nice evening !!!


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  • I'm a 48 year old Independent Trader using proprietary technical analysis with more than 20 years experience of investing in the US stock markets. I started this blog in 2006 simply as a way to share my thoughts about capital, risk management, and trading. My blog contains only my personal opinion and is provided for informational purposes only.

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