The use of solar power plants have the potential to generate up to one quarter of global electricity in 2050, outlined a report made by advocates of solar energy group, published this week. The study was conducted by environmental group Greenpeace, the European Association of Electricity End-Solar (ESTELA) and the group SolarPACES, the International Energy Agency (EIA). "The solar power plants are the next breakthrough in renewable energy, 'said Sven TESKE of Greenpeace International and co-author of the report. The technology is suited to areas warm and cloudless, as the Sahara desert or the Middle East. Through a combination of mirrors to concentrate the rays of the sun, the energy generated can meet the needs up to 7% of the world 'in 2030 and in 2050, the' up to 25%, in an optimistic scenario, according to the report. Investments this year in the construction of solar power should exceed 2 billion worldwide this year, with the largest facilities in California and in southern Spain. The forecast is based on a strong increase in investments, and EUR 21 billion per year by 2015 and 174 billion per year by 2050, "creating thousands of jobs. Accordingly, the plants will have "a capacity of 1500 gigawatts by the year 2050. The technology used concentrated solar energy through mirrors or lenses, bringing rays of the sun at temperatures between 400 and 1,000 degrees Celsius - enough to feed a central generator of electricity. Late last year, the concentration of energy facilities in the world had only 430 megawatts of capacity. I'm completely sure that in the next five years, solar energy will be an affordable option for everybody. Until now, the materials and the process of producing solar cells to convert into solar energy have been too costly for widespread adoption. But fortunately this is changing, with the creation of “thin-film” solar cells, a new type of cost-efficient solar cell that can be 100 times thinner than silicon-wafer cells and produced at a lower cost. These new thin-film solar cells can be “printed” and arranged on a flexible backing, suitable for not only the tops, but also the sides of buildings, cell phones, notebook computers, cars, etc.....The world is changing and we need to move accordingly.