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Friday, February 20, 2009 

Now I know why the economy is drunk. What a shame !!!!

One day after it was revealed that the Japanese economy has closed the accounts for 2008 with the worst performance in 35 years, with GDP back to 3.3% last quarter, the Finance Minister submitted his resignation this morning. The drunk performance of the executive Japanese Schoichi Nakagawa does not reflect the seriousness of the Japanese recession. At that press conference, Nakagawa appears as if half asleep, yawning and responding in a dragged voice, which began to be justified as taking flu drugs. Today, the person has resigned and his "sincere words of apology," was sent to the prime minister, Taro Aso, the people and members of Parliament, "that caused the problems." Shoichi Nakagawa claimed "health problems", and again ensure that it was under the influence of drugs and it had taken only "a drink" at lunchtime on Saturday. Nakagawa will leave the post once the Lower House of Parliament approves the budget of the Japanese Government for the next fiscal year. This incident is a "coup" for the prime minister, Taro Aso, who is confronted with extremely low popularity rates. The latest polls indicate that less than 10% of Japanese approve the actions of the government, which will convene elections for September. To replace Nakagawa, the Chief Executive will consider the details of the Economy Minister Kaoru Yosano, which accumulate both folders. If I remember correctly I have never assisted to a G7 news conference within a drunk giving a speech, The Japanese minister attitude was very unfortunate, if he was Drunk or under the influence of medication he should have stayed home and not place doubts on the sincerity of the Japanese people of which I now well. This childish attitude should be severally sanctioned by Japan. Schoichi Nakagawa should be ashamed...


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