You may have noticed that I have a Pay pal button "orange" on the right side of the my blog. The answer to why I have it within my modest site is pretty simple, I added this button about 3 months after started this site on 2006, because I'm a truly greedy guy! Ohhhhh, sorry I'm joking with you. To be honest I'm really not greedy at all. I just want to give the people who read my trade Ideas the chance to donate to the site for all of my efforts, and to support the work that I am still doing for all comunity. AC Investor Blog is done and organised by only one person, that usually spends one hour and half, to reasearch, analyse and published for free, those posts that everyday comes to you. Since the start of this space, AC Investor Blog has gained reputation in the financial blogosphere, building a good comunity and good friendlyship with readers that everyday likes to read what I write. Well, click on Donate button if you would like to contribute to help keep this well knwon blog running. Any size donations are welcome. It's so easy! You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation. Thanks to everyone who have all ready made a contribution.