Chart courtesy of
stockchartsRambus – Early in the morning I was surprised with bombastic news for RMBS.
According to Bloomberg, Rambus the designer of chips of chips for Sony Corp's Playstation video game console, might collect royalties of as much as $10 bln, six times its market value, by winning a seven year fight with Hynix Semiconductor. After claiming the world's second largest memory chip maker infringed on patents it owned, Rambus won a $133.4 mln award in 2006. To collect, it must now win a trial next month over the South Korean manufacturer's claim that the Los Altos, California-based company illegally used information obtained at industry meetings in the 90s to get the patents. WOW this is huge men…..I’m now in, prepared for any kind of situation. This could be a money machine $$$$.
Technically stock is now in a Bullish mode, stock price is above 20,50 and 200 daily moving average, also MACD back again above 0 indicating a Bullish market.High relative volume during this movement is another bullish indication that the stock will continue higher. 
Chart courtesy of
stockchartsKeep an eye on CHIC to see if tomorrow stock will confirm intraday breakout.
ICO - The stock is approaching again the $6.11 level which typically acts as resistance, so keep an eye on her for a possible breakout.
Looking at above chart, it shows that RIMM is in a downtrend that began in November. The key point of this analyze is to show that Research in motion is moving in a clear downward channel. Well, when this happen, there are two ways to play such a pattern. First, you can basically short the stock for the period of the pattern. Second, you can trade aggressively shorting when the stock reaches the top of the channel and buying when it reaches the lower bound. So, I think that both options can work fine as long as you pay attention, however you should be very attention for a possible break of the trend. So, looking at RIMM, stock has found a nice support level around $90, and is gaining some strength to move up according to the indicators, like MACD and RSI. The MACD is showing a positive divergence, after which the MACD made a bullish crossover. So, if you are shorting this stock since awhile, pay attention to these factors.
Disclaimer : Trading stocks involves risk, this information should not be viewed as trading recommendations.The charts provided here are not meant for investment purposes and only serve as technical examples.
That's All. Have a great evening !!!
Yo.AC yesterday i bought 20.000 Rambus shares
i will shortly be rich...the trial is positive for Rambus..Good Luck
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:33 AM
Hi AC, thanks for your tip.
I was waiting for that news for months.
I will buy 5.000 today on market opening
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:05 PM
What news- I had no idea about this. Nice blog too i shall visit regularly, i also read Financial Market, but more driven towards financial maerkts in all honesty - still you may get a link if you write to them - i am about to get one
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:26 PM
Hello Everyone,
It seems that RAMBUS is getting the attention of many traders out there.
Hey JPC, you're a big player in RAMBUS, and I think you'll win your bet in this stock. All the best to all, and thanks to all for coming here.
Posted by
AC Investor Blog |
7:46 PM